Team Building Bhisho

Team Building Bhisho

Team Building Bhisho, Bhisho is the capital of the Eastern Cape Province and is adjacent to King William's Town between East London and Fort Beaufort

Team Building Bhisho
Amatola Mountains
Team Building Bhisho, Bhisho is part of the Eastern Cape. The Eastern Cape consist of the cities and towns of Bhisho, East London, Fort Beaufort, Graaff-Reinet, Grahamstown, Mthatha, Port Elizabeth, Queenstown, Uitenhage, and other smaller towns

Bisho is the Xhosa word for Buffalo and lies just 3km from King William’s Town and has some of the most spectacular views of the Amatola Mountains. The Amathole is a range of densely forested mountains in the Eastern Cape

Bhisho is about 60 km from East LondonRead more about Team Building South Africa